Scottie Scoop

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Scottish Terrier Club of Greater NY News_The Scottie Scoop

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New Rabies Vaccines Research: Protection is Significantly longer than 3 years

Rabies vaccines confer longer immunity than previously known

In a recent newsletter, Dr. Jean Dodds reports the following: The Rabies Challenge Fund research study shows that duration of immunity after rabies vaccination in dogs is significantly longer than the 3 years basis which had become the standard assumption for laws in the USA. “The goal of the fund…

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Opportunity for Earth Dog/ Barn Hunt Fun at Marge Rosa’s

Scottish Terrier puppy meets rath he will learn to detect

STCTNY member Marge Rosa writes, “As I mentioned on the zoom call this afternoon, I have a rat, earthdog practice tunnels, and Barnhunt rat tubes. In addition to the possibility of taking them to an outdoor meeting, I also do practice sessions here at home. These are free to anyone…

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