Our Club Info

Get to know our Scotties & Our People

The Scottish Terrier Club of Greater New York, Inc. is a 501 (C)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to encouraging the promotion and well being of the Scottish Terrier, and to do everything possible to bring their natural qualities to perfection. Members of the STCGNY are a great resource, and are willing to answer questions and offer guidance about our breed.

To become a member or for membership questions, please contact the STCGNY Secretary, Julie Tedeschi at rikeyedup@verizon.net

Download our Constitution.

Officers & Board Members Contact List


President: Amy Pelle
Vice President / Show Chair: J. Clifford Schultz
Secretary: Julie Tedeschi
Treasurer: Richard Cerny


Board Members:

Erica Cerny
Susan Finn
Penny Holenstein
Heidi Reilly
Marjorie Rosa

Looking for a Scottie?

Heidi Reilly is the Breeder Referral Contact.
email: heidisk8@optonline.net phone: 973-584-1127

For Scottie Rescue - Click Here

Donate To The Scottish Terrier Club of Greater NY, general fund


Please donate now to help us rescue Scottish Terriers

Three Scottish Terrier puppies at six weeks of age
"Scottie Scoop" Online Newsletter Editor/ Web Developer: Dana Johnston