March 2019
Marge Rosa
On March 1, at the Black and White Agility Trials in Sharonville Ohio, Heather (Rosedale's Highland Heather JE NA) qualified with first place in her first run to get her 2nd Novice Jumpers With Weaves leg. On March 3, in the very last run of the trial, her daughter Izzie (Rosedale's Queen Isabella) qualified with first place for her first Novice Jumpers With Weaves leg. On March 2, Izzie's daughter Lily (Rosedale's Day Lily) had her first run in competition, and while she didn't qualify, she had an excellent run.
To see videos of the weekend runs click here!
Fran Garb
4- month old Barrister Sine Qua Non, AKA Bella, won Best BABY Puppy in her very first show ever on Friday, Jan 25,2019. Then she won it again & also best puppy in Show on Sunday, Jan 27, 2019. Bella lives in Canada and is co-owned by me, Patrice Barr & William Berry.