The Scottish Terrier Club of Greater New York invites you to their Annual Meeting & Awards Brunch, to be held Sunday, April 14, 2019, from 1-4 PM at KC PRIME STEAKHOUSE, located at 4160 Quaker Bridge Road, Lawrenceville, NJ 06848.
The cost per guest is $34 per person, including gratuity. The Buffet includes 100 items plus soft drinks, juice, coffee & tea. There is also a cash bar. Your reservation must be made by March 31, 2019.
For a complete menu and directions to KC Prime Steakhouse, visit their website www. Their phone is 609-275-5418.
To reserve your place, please do one of the following: a)Send your check for $34 per person enclosed along with the names and addresses of attendees, to Erica Cerny, 94 Frogtown Road, Rockaway, NJ 07866-4805. Or, use this link to pay online, and send Erica an email to let her know you're coming and you've paid.
Need more info??? Call Erica @ 973-361-6790 or e-mail: